

  • Contest | NTCIR16-FinNum3

    This is a page about “IMNTPU at the NTCIR-16 FinNum-3 Task: Data Augmentation for Financial Numclaim Classification”.

    This paper provides a detailed description of IMNTPU team at the NTCIR-16 FinNum-3 shared task in formal financial documents. We proposed the use of the XLM-RoBERTa-based model with two different approaches on data augmentation to perform the binary classification...


    This is a page about “CAMLKG: Knowledge Graph of Cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering with Few-Shot Learning Model from Judicial Data in FinTech”.

    With the rapid growth of FinTech and blockchain technology, the volume of cryptocurrency transactions has been increasing. Consequently, incidents of cryptocurrency money laundering have increased as well. Although legal knowledge graphs have emerged, there is...


  • Git